The man of Paiján (Chicama Valley)
Cave paintings of Toquepala
The man of Guitarrero (Ancash)
The man of Telamarchay
Burial of Lauricocha (Huánuco)
Beginning of corn cultivation
Crossed Hands Temple (Kotosh)
Beginning of the pottery
Ceremonial center of Sechín (Casma Valley)
Beginning of the early period
Chavin Culture
Cupisnique Culture
Paracas Culture (Caves)
Paracas Culture (Necropolis)
Vicus Culture (Piura)
Salinar Culture (Chicama)
Nazca Culture (Ica)
Viru Culture or Gallinazo
Beginnings of the Mochica Culture
Lima Culture
Tiahuanaco Culture
Mochica Culture
Late period of the Nazca Culture
Beginnings of the Huari Culture
Peak of the second period (Huari)
Lambayeque Culture
Chimú Culture
Chancay Culture
Chincha Culture
Chachapoyas, Yarowilca and Cajamarca Cultures
Construction of Sacsayhuamán
Huayna Cápac kingdom
Expansion of Tahuantinsuyo
Death of Huayna Cápac
Pizarro captures the Inca Atahualpa in Cajamarca
Foundation of Lima
Rebellion of Manco Inca
Death of Almagro in the battle of Salinas
Assasination of Francisco Pizarro
Creation of the Peruvian Vice-kingdom by the New Laws
Arrival of the first vice-king Blasco Núñez de Vela
Foundation of the University of San Marcos
Arrival of the Vice-king Francisco de Toledo
Installation of the Inquisition Court
Birth of San Martín de Porras
Túpac Amaru I is excecuted by Toledo
Santo Toribio de Mongrovejo arrives as Archbishop of Lima
Birth of Santa Rosa de Lima
Publication of the Royal Comments of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Creation of the Consulate Court of Lima
Foundation in Lima of the Prince's College for noble indians
Earthquake in Lima
Death of San Martín de Porras
Rebellion of the miners in Layacacota (Puno) suppressed by the Vice-king Conde de Lemos
Saint Rose is canonized
Foundation of the University San Crístobal in Huamanga
Foundation of the University San Antonio Abad in Cuzco
Cholera and typhus epidemic ravages mountain inhabitants in the South
Definitive creation of the Vice-kingdom of New Grenade
Birth of José Gabriel Condorcanqui Túpac Amaru II
Appearance of the Lima Gazette, first newspaper in Lima and South America
The Vice-king Amat opens the Acho Arene
Creation of the Vice-kingdom of Río de la Plata
Promulgation of the Free-Trade Law
Beginning of the Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II
Creation of the Hearings in Cuzco
Appearance of the Lima's Journal
Appearance of the Peruvian Mercurio
Rebellion of indians in Huánuco
Rebellion of Paillardelle in Tacna
Indenpendence Proclamation by San Martín in Lima
Promulgation of the First Constitution
Battles of Junín and Ayacucho
First government of Gamarra
Creation of the newspaper El Comercio
Battle of Ingavi
Beginning of the first government of Ramón Castilla
José R. Echenique takes the presidency
Second government of Castilla
Combat of May the Second
Foundation of the Civilian Party
Manuel Pardo, first civilian president
Mariano Ignacio Prado takes the presidency
The Pacifique War begins
Battle of Arica
Occupation of Lima by Chile
Departure of Chilian troops
First government of Cáceres
Signature of the Grace contract
Second government of Cáceres
Civil war, departure of Cáceres
Government of López de Romaña
Government of José Pardo y B.
Tramway circulates in Lima
First government of Augusto B. Leguía
Government of Guillermo Billinghurst
Coup d'état of Oscar R. Benavides to Billinghurst government
Second government of Jose Pardo
Foundation of the Catholic University
Coup d'état of Augusto B. Leguia; beginning of the Oncenio (11 years of gov.)
Creation of the APRA party in Mexico by Victor Haya de la Torre
First reelection of Leguía
Second reelection of Leguía
Departure of Leguía by a coup d'état of Sánchez Cerro
Sánchez Cerro wins elections against Haya de la Torre
Oscar R. Benavides takes presidency after Sánchez Cerro's assasination
Presidency of Manuel Prado
War against Ecuador
Signature of the Rio de Janeiro Protocole
Presidency of José Luis Bustamente y Rivero
Declaration of the sovereignty on 200 nautical miles
Coup d'état of General Manuel A. Odría
Beginning of the Ochenio (8 years of gouv.)
Women's right to vote
Second government of Manuel Prado
Coup d'état of the Military Junta
Belaúnde Terry of the Popular Action Party wins presidential elections
Coup d'état of General Juan Velasco and the Army
Creation of the Land Reform Law
An avalanche buries the town of Yungay
Expropriation of important news papers
Francisco Morales Bermúdez takes the presidency
Promulgation of the Constitution of 1979
Second government of Fernando Belaúnde
Beginnigs of the Shining Path terrorist group
Conflict with Ecuador in the Condor Mountain chains
Javier Pérez de Cuellar is elected General Secretary of the UN
First government of Alan García
Visite of Pope John Paul II
Appearance of the MUC dollar
Attempt to nationalize banks
First government of Alberto Fujimori
Auto coup d'état of Alberto Fujimori: dissolution of the Congress
Capture of the Shining Path leader, Abimael Guzmán
Adoption of the new constitution by referendum
Second government of Fujimori
Conflict with Ecuador in Tiwinza
The MRTA takes hostage the Embassy of Japan
Signature of a peace treaty with Ecuador in Brazil
Second reelection of Fujimori
Crisis of the democracy, presidency is declared vacant by moral incapacity of Fujimori
Valentín Paniagua takes the presidency for an interim period
Election of Alejandro Toledo
Election of Alan Garcia
Election of Ollanta Humala
Election of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski