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Photos: War, conflict

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34 photos - 1 page
Rebellion of Juan Santos Atahualpa
Rebellion of Juan Santos Atahualpa
Ecuador Conflict, False Paquisha
Ecuador Conflict, False Paquisha
False Paquisha, 1981
False Paquisha, 1981
1995 Ecuador Conflict in Bagua Chica
1995 Ecuador Conflict in Bagua Chica
Taking of Cajamarca
Taking of Cajamarca
March of the Four Suyos, Lima
March of the Four Suyos, Lima
Conflict with Ecuador, 1941
Conflict with Ecuador, 1941
Salomón-Lozano Treaty
Salomón-Lozano Treaty
Last conflict with Ecuador
Last conflict with Ecuador
Military Coup Led by Velasco, Lima
Military Coup Led by Velasco, Lima
Combat of Angamos
Combat of Angamos
Miguel Grau
Miguel Grau
Strike of February 5, 1975, Lima
Strike of February 5, 1975, Lima
Self-Coup of April 5, 1992, Lima
Self-Coup of April 5, 1992, Lima
Battle of May 2, Callao
Battle of May 2, Callao
Battle of Ayacucho (12/9/1824)
Battle of Ayacucho (12/9/1824)
Peace with Ecuador
Peace with Ecuador
Fire at Leguía's House, Lima
Fire at Leguía's House, Lima
Anti-subversive Battalion
Anti-subversive Battalion
Blockade of El Callao by Spielbergen
Blockade of El Callao by Spielbergen
Taking of Leticia
Taking of Leticia
News of Chile's Declaration of War against Peru, 1879
News of Chile's Declaration of War against Peru, 1879
Attempted Nationalization of the Bank, Lima
Attempted Nationalization of the Bank, Lima
Manco Inca Rebellion
Manco Inca Rebellion
Miguel Grau
Miguel Grau
Prisoners of El Frontón, 1986, Callao
Prisoners of El Frontón, 1986, Callao
Rebellion in Tinta, Canchis
Rebellion in Tinta, Canchis
Francisco Bolognesi
Francisco Bolognesi
Combat of Iquique
Combat of Iquique
Elías Aguirre
Elías Aguirre
Leoncio Prado
Leoncio Prado

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