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Javier Wong - Chef, known for fusion cuisine
Javier Wong - Chef, known for fusion cuisine
Javier Wong - Chef, known for fusion cuisine

Javier Wong - The Master of Ceviche and Icon of Peruvian Gastronomy

Javier Wong, born in Lima, Peru, is one of the country's most famous chefs, globally recognized for his mastery of ceviche, the signature dish of Peruvian cuisine. As the owner of the renowned restaurant *Chez Wong*, he is known for his unique style, charismatic personality, and dedication to preserving and elevating the culinary traditions of Peru. With a career built on passion, hard work, and a deep commitment to gastronomy, Javier Wong has become a true legend in the culinary world.

The Early Life of Javier Wong

Javier Wong comes from a Chinese-Peruvian family, a cultural combination that has deeply influenced his culinary approach. Born and raised in Lima, he grew up in an environment where Chinese and Peruvian culinary traditions coexisted, forming a solid foundation for his future career as a chef. He began his culinary journey informally, learning cooking techniques by observing and practicing in small establishments around Lima.

From an early age, he was drawn to ceviche, a traditional dish made from raw fish marinated in lime juice and accompanied by various fresh ingredients. His passion for this simple yet refined dish led him to hone his skills and become a true expert. While his culinary style has evolved over the years, ceviche has always remained at the heart of his work.

The Restaurant Chez Wong

In the 1980s, Javier Wong opened his own restaurant, *Chez Wong*, in the district of La Victoria in Lima. This small establishment, with no exterior sign or fixed menu, quickly became a pilgrimage site for food lovers. Customers came from all over Lima and even the world to taste Wong's famous ceviche, prepared right in front of them using the freshest fish from the Peruvian coast.

*Chez Wong* is unique: there is no menu, and Javier Wong himself chooses the fish of the day and prepares the dishes based on the fresh ingredients available. The restaurant offers a personalized culinary experience where each visit is a new gastronomic adventure. Wong is known for his interaction with customers, his energy in the kitchen, and his ability to create dishes that are both simple and sophisticated.

The Art of Ceviche According to Javier Wong

Javier Wong’s ceviche is often described as one of the best in the world. His technique is simple yet precise: he carefully selects each fish, primarily fresh sole, which he skillfully slices before seasoning it with lime juice, salt, and sometimes chili pepper. Unlike other chefs, Wong adds only a few ingredients to his ceviches, prioritizing the natural flavors of the fish.

What sets Wong’s ceviche apart is its freshness and his respect for the ingredients. He only prepares the dishes once the customer is seated, ensuring an immediate and authentic culinary experience. For Javier Wong, ceviche is not just a dish; it is an art, an expression of Peruvian culture, and a tribute to the sea and its bounty.

International Recognition

Over the years, Javier Wong has gained international fame for his work. He has been invited to participate in numerous food festivals around the world and has been recognized by renowned chefs as a ceviche master. In 2011, he was named *Best Ceviche Chef* at a competition held during *Mistura*, Latin America's largest gastronomic festival.

His restaurant, though modest in appearance, has attracted celebrities, world-famous chefs, and food critics from all over. He has also been featured in documentaries and international culinary shows, helping to introduce Peruvian cuisine to a broader audience. Javier Wong is often described as an ambassador of Peruvian culture, using food as a way to share the soul of Peru with the world.

A Chef True to His Roots

Despite his international success, Javier Wong has remained true to his roots. He continues to work in his small restaurant in Lima, refusing to open other locations or diversify into other culinary ventures. For him, authenticity is paramount. He believes that the key to success lies in mastering a technique and respecting local culinary traditions.

Wong also embodies simplicity in his approach to cooking. He does not follow modern culinary trends but focuses on the essentials: quality ingredients, impeccable technique, and attention to detail. This minimalist approach has made him a living legend in the culinary world.

The Legacy of Javier Wong

Javier Wong has not only influenced generations of Peruvian chefs but has also contributed to the international recognition of Peruvian cuisine. Ceviche, once considered a humble dish, is now celebrated as one of Peru’s culinary treasures, thanks in large part to the work of Wong and other pioneering chefs. His influence is felt in kitchens around the world, where many chefs strive to recreate his legendary ceviche.

To many, Javier Wong is more than just a chef: he is a guardian of traditions, a culinary artist, and an ambassador of Peruvian culture. His commitment to preserving simplicity and authenticity in cooking is a model for young chefs and a reminder that true culinary excellence lies not in complexity but in respecting ingredients and ancestral techniques.


Javier Wong is a key figure in Peruvian gastronomy, and his influence extends far beyond the walls of his small restaurant in Lima. As a master of ceviche, he has redefined this iconic dish and helped promote Peruvian cuisine worldwide. His career is an example of passion, discipline, and respect for traditions, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of chefs.